I ventured to a restaurant in Russia known for its scrumptious pancakes. The menu was in Russian and…
Two days before for my departure from Cebu, a group of people had just checked in and we all introduced….
He slurped his tea. I chuckled while gesturing to him, “Good?” He said something to which I replied “Okay”…
To the echo of his words, I held the door handle. I realized I might have to jump out of a moving car.
I had jaywalked in a foreign country; a Muslim country, unaware that a police officer was right in front of me.
The entrance to the the camp read “Arbeut Macht Frie”, or “Work will make you free” but thousands died of disease, malnutrition, overwork and were even murdered.
The Khmer Rouge under the leadership of Pol Pot claimed the lives up to two million people during its four year rule, from 1975-1979.In Phnom Penh, I visited the site of ….
I was on a discovery of unearthing India’s history and cultural heritage by learning about Gandhi and his contribution to India’s independence and visiting the Taj Mahal…