Spreading Love
Days before for my departure from Cebu, a group of people had just checked in and we all introduced ourselves.
Two of the girls, both Dutch, were friends but the rest of us were strangers. One of the ladies was celebrating her birthday so we all went out. They decided to go to a beach bar/restaurant. As they talked about drugs, among other things, I sat there dodging cigarette smoke right, left and center. I felt like a fish out of water even though I was right next to the beach. Still, I made conversation and gave my input on different topics; I was building camaraderie.
They must have been keenly listening to me as one of the ladies then asked, “Since you don’t do these things , what do you think of us?” She stared at me.
Their silence punctuated the air as they awaited my response.
In essence, I explained that they chose to make those decisions and I wouldn’t judge them because of their actions. They must have been pleased with my response as they looked at me like I was a rainbow unicorn from out of space.
We all have weaknesses so we should spread love and speak the truth in love. Later on that night, we had dinner then shared a popular Philipino snack. We ended up going to three venues that same night. It was on that night I played my first game of “Never Have I Ever”- with pineapple juice.